Nebuta festival
- ID
- 2379
- カテゴリCategories
- 祭り / Events
- エリアArea
- 青森県 / Aomori・Southern Hokkaido
- 向きOrientation
- 横 / Horizontal
- 季節Season
- 夏 / Summer
- 写真サイズImage size
- 4032px×2268px (2MB)
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Conditions of Use
Conditions of Use
- Use of images is strictly prohibited when either the purpose is unrelated to promoting tourism to Tohoku or said use could damage the reputation of Tohoku.
- Reproduction, sale, copying, or lending of any image on this website is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of Tohoku Tourism Promotion Organization or the image contributors, except in cases permitted under copyright law.
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- As the images on this website are aimed at the promotion of Tohoku tourism, any use in which the images themselves are the focal point is strictly prohibited (ie. stock photo sites, postcards).