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Noshiro Cup High School Selection Basketball Tournament (N…

  • Akita

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Noshiro Cup High School Selection Basketball Tournament (N…

History of Hisato Hiyama Natto Festival (Noshiro City, Aki…

  • Akita

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History of Hisato Hiyama Natto Festival (Noshiro City, Aki…

Port Festival Noyo fireworks (Noshiro, Akita Prefecture)

  • Akita

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Port Festival Noyo fireworks (Noshiro, Akita Prefecture)

Noshiro Nebunagashi / Noshiro Tanabata (Noshiro City, Akit…

  • Akita

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Noshiro Nebunagashi / Noshiro Tanabata (Noshiro City, Akit…

Damako Nabe (Noshiro City, Akita Prefecture)

  • Akita

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Damako Nabe (Noshiro City, Akita Prefecture)

Okina candy (Noshiro City, Akita Prefecture)

  • Akita

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Okina candy (Noshiro City, Akita Prefecture)

Noshiro Udon (Noshiro City, Akita Prefecture)

  • Akita

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Noshiro Udon (Noshiro City, Akita Prefecture)

Noshiro kite (Noshiro City, Akita Prefecture)

  • Akita

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Noshiro kite (Noshiro City, Akita Prefecture)

Hiwa Yamakata Kakushiishi (Noshiro City, Akita Prefecture)

  • Akita

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Hiwa Yamakata Kakushiishi (Noshiro City, Akita Prefecture)

Pompoko Mountain Park (Yagami -cho, Akita Prefecture)

  • Akita

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Pompoko Mountain Park (Yagami -cho, Akita Prefecture)

Oshima Fireworks Festival (Hachimine Town, Akita Prefectur…

  • Akita

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Oshima Fireworks Festival (Hachimine Town, Akita Prefectur…

Kindyama Paraglider School (Oga City, Akita Prefecture)

  • Akita

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Kindyama Paraglider School (Oga City, Akita Prefecture)

The starting point of the tour, the Shirakami Mountains Wo…

  • Akita

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The starting point of the tour, the Shirakami Mountains Wo…

Kodake (Fujisato -cho, Akita Prefecture)

  • Akita

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Kodake (Fujisato -cho, Akita Prefecture)

Shirakami Sanchi Trekking (with guide)

  • Akita

The "Happo Town Shirakami Guides' Group," made up of guides who have compl…

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Shirakami Sanchi Trekking (with guide)

Akita Shirakami Experience Center Rumiyama (Bunna Natural …

  • Akita

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Akita Shirakami Experience Center Rumiyama (Bunna Natural …

Kimono Wearing Experience at Kaneyu

  • Akita

Kaneyu is a nationally registered tangible cultural property and a symbol of Noshiro Cit…

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Kimono Wearing Experience at Kaneyu

Shirakami Foliage Walk and Nabekko Picnic

  • Akita

Spend a day going around viewing the beautiful foliage in Shirakami-Sanchi, a UNESCO Wor…

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Shirakami Foliage Walk and Nabekko Picnic

Fukurokuju Sake Brewery Co., Ltd. (Goshomachi, Akita Prefe…

  • Akita

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Fukurokuju Sake Brewery Co., Ltd. (Goshomachi, Akita Prefe…

Hamanasu Gallery (Noshiro City, Akita Prefecture)

  • Akita

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Hamanasu Gallery (Noshiro City, Akita Prefecture)

Former Zenitei Kinyu (Noshiro City, Akita Prefecture)

  • Akita

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Former Zenitei Kinyu (Noshiro City, Akita Prefecture)

Science Park / Noshiro City Children's Museum (Noshiro Cit…

  • Akita

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Science Park / Noshiro City Children's Museum (Noshiro Cit…

Izaka Memorial Hall (Noshiro City, Akita Prefecture)

  • Akita

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Izaka Memorial Hall (Noshiro City, Akita Prefecture)

Bishamon Rest Forest (Noshiro City, Akita Prefecture)

  • Akita

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Bishamon Rest Forest (Noshiro City, Akita Prefecture)

Treasurein (Noshiro City, Akita Prefecture)

  • Akita

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Treasurein (Noshiro City, Akita Prefecture)

Noshiro Galaxy Festival Space Event (Space Week) (Noshiro …

  • Akita

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Noshiro Galaxy Festival Space Event (Space Week) (Noshiro …

Noshiro Industrial Fair (Noshiro City, Akita Prefecture)

  • Akita

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Noshiro Industrial Fair (Noshiro City, Akita Prefecture)

Kimimachi no Sato Festival Kimimachi Futsui Marathon (Nosh…

  • Akita

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Kimimachi no Sato Festival Kimimachi Futsui Marathon (Nosh…

Akita dog petting experience (Noshiro City, Akita Prefectu…

  • Akita

Experience natural interaction with Akita dogs under the care of Japan's leading Aki…

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Akita dog petting experience (Noshiro City, Akita Prefectu…

Japu (Noshiro City, Akita Prefecture)

  • Akita

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Japu (Noshiro City, Akita Prefecture)

Hiyama tea in the northern limit (Noshiro City, Akita Pref…

  • Akita

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Hiyama tea in the northern limit (Noshiro City, Akita Pref…

Direct direct facility Osora Honokan (Yagami -cho, Akita P…

  • Akita

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Direct direct facility Osora Honokan (Yagami -cho, Akita P…

World Natural Heritage Shirakami Mountains Futatsu Mori (Y…

  • Akita

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World Natural Heritage Shirakami Mountains Futatsu Mori (Y…

2nd Koizugawa Bridge (Yagami -cho, Akita Prefecture)

  • Akita

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2nd Koizugawa Bridge (Yagami -cho, Akita Prefecture)

Minehama Rin (Yagami -cho, Akita Prefecture)

  • Akita

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Minehama Rin (Yagami -cho, Akita Prefecture)

Roadside station Kotoshi (Sanko -cho, Akita Prefecture)

  • Akita

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Roadside station Kotoshi (Sanko -cho, Akita Prefecture)

Sandy Craft in Mitane (Akita Prefecture)

  • Akita

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Sandy Craft in Mitane (Akita Prefecture)


  • Akita

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Rakusui Garden Dauryuji (Oga City, Akita Prefecture)

  • Akita

Rakuzuttei Garden Dairyuji Temple has a beautiful seasonal landscape with the Sea of Jap…

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Rakusui Garden Dauryuji (Oga City, Akita Prefecture)

OK with empty -handed! Camp tour to stay in the forest wit…

  • Akita

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OK with empty -handed! Camp tour to stay in the forest wit…
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