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Fruitland Kita -Aizu

  • Fukushima

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Fruitland Kita -Aizu

Aizu Curry Yakisoba

  • Fukushima

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Aizu Curry Yakisoba

Otodake Mountain Open

  • Fukushima

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Otodake Mountain Open


  • Fukushima

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Koriyama Culture park

  • Fukushima

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Koriyama Culture park

21st Century Commemorative Park Foot Mountain Forest

  • Fukushima

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21st Century Commemorative Park Foot Mountain Forest

Yamagata City Local Museum

  • Yamagata

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Yamagata City Local Museum

[Yamadera / Ceramics Experience] Nagase Cotobo

  • Yamagata

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[Yamadera / Ceramics Experience] Nagase Cotobo

Male inchestra

  • Miyagi

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Male inchestra

[Yamagata / Yukata Experience] Kimonogatari and Yukata Ren…

  • Yamagata

Kimono Rental Service

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[Yamagata / Yukata Experience] Kimonogatari and Yukata Ren…

Make your own original bracelet with jade, Japan’s nationa…

  • Niigata

Sit at a jade table and make your own bracelet comprised of a round jade bead, natural s…

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Make your own original bracelet with jade, Japan’s nationa…

Reiyama Shrine Example Festival (Spring / Autumn)

  • Fukushima

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Reiyama Shrine Example Festival (Spring / Autumn)

Date's Monsato Marathon Tournament

  • Fukushima

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Date's Monsato Marathon Tournament

Reiyama Autumn Leaves Festival

  • Fukushima

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Reiyama Autumn Leaves Festival

Yamagin Prefectural Hall (Yamagata Prefectural Cultural Ar…

  • Yamagata

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Yamagin Prefectural Hall (Yamagata Prefectural Cultural Ar…

Iwate Beef

  • Iwate

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Iwate Beef

Yamoto Seaside Green Lin Park Golf Course

  • Miyagi

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Yamoto Seaside Green Lin Park Golf Course

Miyagi Orle Okumatsushima Course

  • Miyagi

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Miyagi Orle Okumatsushima Course

Blue Impulse

  • Miyagi

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Blue Impulse

Take part in an authentic Zen meditation experience at Ryu…

  • Fukushima

This Zen meditation experience will calm your mind and allow you to enjoy a moment of qu…

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Take part in an authentic Zen meditation experience at Ryu…

Create original postcards with prints of the 12 Chinese zo…

  • Fukushima

At Dake Onsen, you can find 12 stone pillars with images of the animals of the Chinese z…

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Create original postcards with prints of the 12 Chinese zo…

Falling Sisters Hall Yado Hanabusa

  • Miyagi

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Falling Sisters Hall Yado Hanabusa

  • Miyagi

Shopping at  Kesennuma Oshima Welcome Terminal is  available, with a direct sa…

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Making original wine label with kaleidoscope design

  • Miyagi

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Making original wine label with kaleidoscope design

Suehiro Sake Co.,Ltd. Kaeigura

  • Fukushima

This brewery was established in 1850.Built between the Meiji (1868-1912) and Taisho (191…

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Suehiro Sake Co.,Ltd. Kaeigura

Niida-Honke Inc.

  • Fukushima

Organic rice (sake rice cultivated without pesticides or chemical fertilizers) and sprin…

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Niida-Honke Inc.

Tourism base facility "Kuimaru Elementary School"

  • Fukushima

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Tourism base facility "Kuimaru Elementary School"

Kitakata City Museum of Art

  • Fukushima

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Kitakata City Museum of Art

[Yamadera] Mt.Hoju light-up

  • Yamagata

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[Yamadera] Mt.Hoju light-up

Recommended for families! Winter Playground Oe Town Yamaza…

  • Yamagata

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Recommended for families! Winter Playground Oe Town Yamaza…

Yonezawa Hachiyu

  • Yamagata

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Yonezawa Hachiyu

Arcadia Snow Surfin Experience Plan This is Yamagata prefe…

  • Yamagata

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Arcadia Snow Surfin Experience Plan This is Yamagata prefe…

Furusato Tatea Kura

  • Fukushima

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Furusato Tatea Kura

Bandai Mt. Happodai climbing entrance

  • Fukushima

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Bandai Mt. Happodai climbing entrance

Ishikurayama Park (Sanko -cho, Akita Prefecture)

  • Akita

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Ishikurayama Park (Sanko -cho, Akita Prefecture)

Green Tourism (Sanko Town, Akita Prefecture)

  • Akita

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Green Tourism (Sanko Town, Akita Prefecture)

Snowshoe trekking in the Kenmin-no Mori forest

  • Iwate

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Snowshoe trekking in the Kenmin-no Mori forest

Junai Stand Petit Bateau (Santo Town, Akita Prefecture)

  • Akita

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Junai Stand Petit Bateau (Santo Town, Akita Prefecture)

Light up with the yellow leaves of the large ginkgo biloba…

  • Fukushima

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Light up with the yellow leaves of the large ginkgo biloba…

Making Kamakura in Showa Village, Fukushima Prefecture

  • Fukushima

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Making Kamakura in Showa Village, Fukushima Prefecture
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