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Shonai Hanko Chidokan

  • Yamagata

Shonai Hanko Chidokan is a school that was founded by the Sakai Clan in the Shonai Domai…

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Shonai Hanko Chidokan

Travel around Okuno Hoso Road (Hagurosan Minamidani / Naga…

  • Yamagata

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Travel around Okuno Hoso Road (Hagurosan Minamidani / Naga…

Shuhei Fujisawa The place related to the work

  • Yamagata

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Shuhei Fujisawa The place related to the work

Gotenmari production experience

  • Yamagata

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Gotenmari production experience

Painting fragment experience

  • Yamagata

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Painting fragment experience

Craftsmaking experience using a cocoon from Tsuruoka silkw…

  • Yamagata

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Craftsmaking experience using a cocoon from Tsuruoka silkw…

Enjoy history romance! Travel around the Jomon archeologic…

  • Yamagata

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Enjoy history romance! Travel around the Jomon archeologic…

Dadacha bean harvest experience

  • Yamagata

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Dadacha bean harvest experience

Dewa Sanzan's vegetarian dish

  • Yamagata

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Dewa Sanzan's vegetarian dish

Movie Set -Let's feel a different space with your five sen…

  • Yamagata

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Movie Set -Let's feel a different space with your five sen…
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