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Morning 'Awakening' in Miyako

  • Iwate

Jodogahama' - Paradise Beach. In the 1700s, a Buddhist priest known as Reikyo was so…

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Morning 'Awakening' in Miyako

Cruise Around Yamada Bay On A Fisherman's Boat - Aquacultu…

  • Iwate

Tour around the calm and transparent waters of Yamada bay on board a fisherman's boa…

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Cruise Around Yamada Bay On A Fisherman's Boat - Aquacultu…

[Rikuzentakata City] Kesen -daigasa Corporate Traditional …

  • Iwate

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[Rikuzentakata City] Kesen -daigasa Corporate Traditional …

Jodogahama Marine House

  • Iwate

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Jodogahama Marine House

Aoba Park

  • Iwate

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Aoba Park
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