Enormous works of art made out of rice straw! Visit the Wara Art Festival.

The enormous works of art made out of rice straw help support livelihoods in Niigata, a large-scale farming city that boasts the largest rice paddies and highest output of crops in Japan.

The Wara Art Festival is held every year from summer through autumn. Young people from the city join with the rural Nishikan Ward to host the festival. This "rice culture" helps support a Japanese way of life. A traditional resource, inawara, or rice straw, is collected from paddy fields in the rice-producing region of Nishikan Ward, to create lively displays of "wara art" in various sizes. 

The Wara Art Festival is held at Uwasekigata Park, a place of abundant nature with a lagoon and many varieties of flowers each season. The festival is very popular for the enormous works of art whose unique visual aspects are certainly Instagram-worthy.

General Information

Free admission
Opening Times
8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Weekends and public holidays
30 minutes - 1 hour


Sightseeing Exchange and Chamber of Commerce, Industry Sightseeing Section

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