Osaki Hachimangu Shrine

The main building of the shrine is designated as a national treasure: The splendid decorations are magnificent!

Designated a National Treasure in 1952, Osaki Hachimangu Shrine was constructed in 1607 by Date Masamune, the founder of Sendai and the most powerful feudal lord of Tohoku.

Typical of the Gongen-zukuri (Ishi-no-ma-zukuri) style, the main hall, Ishinoma, and worship hall are integrated together. The buildings have an irimoya style roof with kokera-buki (shingles), a chidori-hafu gable on the front, and a magnificent nokikarahafu (eaves ends) on the pent roof. The gotenjo (latticed ceiling) of the Ishinoma is decorated with numerous paintings of flowers and medicinal herbs. The interior and exterior are decorated with lacquer and a base coat of white pigment, sculptures, and metal fittings, creating an opulent atmosphere. It is a masterpiece of Momoyama architecture. The Nagatoko is designated as a national important cultural property and the stone torii gate is designated as a prefectural important cultural property. The shrine is also famous throughout Japan for its "hadaka mairi," or semi-naked worship, a ritual held on January 14 during the Matsutaki Festival (Donto-sai Festival), a traditional festival designated as an intangible folk cultural property by Sendai City. During the festival people burn pine decorations and old ofuda (paper or wooden talisman) to pray for good health and business prosperity in the New Year. The shrine also holds the Reitaisai festival in September, during which Noh Kagura (designated as an intangible folk cultural property) and a large portable shrine are paraded through the neighborhood, and a yabusame (horseback archery) ritual is held in the shrine grounds. In the fall of 2004, a five-year conservation and repair work was completed on the shrine pavilions which were restored to their original splendor and majesty.

*Copyright and trademark rights (in part) to the images are owned by Osaki Hachimangu Shrine. Please contact Osaki Hachimangu Shrine by e-mail if you wish to use them.

*Please check the official website for the latest information.

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General Information

[Approximate transportation fee] 220 yen by Sendai City Bus from JR Sendai Station
Opening Times
Open all year round
From JR Sendai Station West Exit Bus Pool, board at the No. 10 or 15 bus stop and take the bus bound for Oritate, Sakunami, Kunimigaoka, or Minami-Yoshinari, and get off at the Osaki Hachimangu-mae bus stop
Car Park
80 spaces
Official Website
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Osaki Hachimangu Shrine
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