Experience digging for snow apples

Make apple juice with a “second” shelf life

*Finished for this year. Decisions on next year’s experience are pending. The apples of Asahi Town in Yamagata Prefecture are well-known to connoisseurs. The apples here are buried in the snow during the winter, which preserves them for a long period of time and allows you to enjoy their sweet flavor when spring arrives. In this experience of Asahi Town’s “snow apples,” which began with the growers’ wish for people to be able to eat delicious apples in early spring, you can dig apples out of the snow and make juice from the freshly dug snow apples on the spot. *The freshly extracted apple juice quickly discolors and spoils, so it needs to be drunk immediately. This is why it is said to have a “second” shelf life. Please enjoy a new experience of Yamagata in spring while savoring the sentiments of the producers.

◆ Set date: Saturday, April 17–Sunday, April 25, 2021

◆ Meeting place: Asahi Shizenkan

◆ Meeting times: 1st time 10:00–11:00, 2nd time 11:00–12:00, 3rd time 13:00–14:00, 4th time 14:00–15:00

◆ Schedule: ① Reception at the meeting place ② Video and explanation of snow apples ③ Snow apple digging experience (3 apples per person) ④ Snow apple juice making experience ⑤ Buying snow apples as souvenirs

◆ Time required: About 30 minutes

◆ Included: 3 snow apples (2 to take home + 1 for juice)

◆ Application deadline: 18:00 the day before

◆ Sales method: Asahi Town Tourism Association, DMC Tendo Onsen Experience Reservation Page, various travel and lodging plans

◆ Other notes: Long boots are available for rent

General Information

[Asahi Tabi no Kokoro Kan]
Weekends and public holidays
[Roadside Station, Asahi Town, Apple Forest, Tourist Information Office]
Open all year


Yamagata Prefecture Asahi Town Tourism Association

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