Natori City Earthquake Memorial Park

The restful park filled with the spirit of repose of souls and tradition.

Located about 5 minutes on foot south of the Natori City Earthquake Reconstruction Museum, the Earthquake Memorial Park consists of the following five zones:
Prayer Zone: A place to offer prayers in memory of those who died in the disaster. The monument at the center, created in the shape of a sprout to symbolize regrowth, stands 8.4 meters tall, the exact height of the tsunami that reached the area.
Rest Zone: A space for local residents to relax at and communicate with other visitors.
Ocean-facing Zone : A zone overlooking Hiroura Bay beyond the levee.
Hiyoriyama Zone: Hiyoriyama, a small hill and landmark of the area for a century, is a symbol of future reconstruction. The Tominushihime Shrine at the top was rebuilt after having been lost in the tsunami.
Remembrance and Memorial Zone: Flat blocks made from earthquake debris are used to show the pre-disaster topography of Yuriage, its roads, the Teizan Canal, and more. Photos transferred onto ceramic tiles show schools, community meeting places and more to help visitors imagine what the Yuriage district was like before the disaster.
A 3.11 Natori-Yuriage memorial event has been held at the Natori City Earthquake Memorial Park and Natori City Earthquake Reconstruction Museum every March 11th since 2015 (except for ceremonies canceled during the COVID-19 pandemic). People make paper lanterns with their own designs and words of prayer on them, bringing them in from around the city or sending them in from all across the country. Heartfelt memorial services are held with these on display lit with candles, along with 3,000 electronic picture lanterns developed by a local electronics manufacturer using solar power and LED lights.

General Information

About 15 minutes by car from JR Natori Station
Official Website


Telephone Number