Morning 'Awakening' in Miyako(Miyako Tourism Cultural Exchange Association)

Watch the sun rise to the hypnotic beat of the Taiko

Jodogahama' - Paradise Beach. In the 1700s, a Buddhist priest known as Reikyo was so moved by the natural beauty of this place that he named it after 'Jodo', the ultimate paradise of Pure Land Buddhism.  

Experience a moment of your own spiritual paradise that you'll never experience anywhere else, as you watch the sunrise over the quiet beach, accompanied by dramatic echos of local Taiko drumming performers 'Abare-Taiko'. After a captivating performance, enjoy a bowl of warm soup or a light meal as you take-in early morning views of the picturesque bay. 

*Program may be cancelled due to rain / unfavourable weather conditions. 

General Information

99,000 JPY per group (Bookings limited to one group, maximum of 10 persons)
Opening Times
Open every day
1.5 hours
Start time:Will vary with season
COVID-19 Prevention Measures: Limiting or guiding visitors, providing hand sanitizing equipment, wearing masks, disinfecting used areas, etc.


Telephone Number

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